Fat Burning / UltraSlim

Discover UltraSlim®

UltraSlim® is the only non-invasive procedure for immediate fat loss without dieting, exercise, drugs, or surgery. Patients lose fat immediately with our patented process. This device uses a special patented type of light to stimulate and shrink fat cells. The treated fat cells respond by opening temporary pores in the cell and emptying the fat cell contents, releasing all of that stubborn fat you just can't seem to get rid of, without dieting or exercise.

Proven Results

Before, After and Overlay of UltraSlim® results. Patient lost 12 inches in 8 treatments.

UltraSlim® Treatments


The WaistBuster is a revolutionary non-surgical liposuction alternative that slims the waist, hips, thighs, and buttocks with no downtime. The WaistBuster achieves immediate fat loss with no exercise, dieting, surgery, or drugs. Patients lose on average 3.5 inches and 1.6 liters of fat during a 32-minute treatment. UltraSlim® guarantees 2 inches lost at your first treatment, or your money back. Your individualized care plan will include the number of treatment sessions to achieve your goals.

UltraSlim® Treatment - WaistBuster

Cellulite Treatment

The UltraSlim® cellulite treatment visibly reduces the appearance of cellulite. Each treatment lasts about 20 minutes per area, as the light reduces visible cellulite producing results that dieting and exercise cannot achieve. UltraSlim® drains the fat from the cellulite leaving the skin smooth and vibrant. Potential zones include back of thigh, front of thigh, the buttocks, or the lower abdomen.

UltraSlim Treatment - Cellulite Treatment

Non-Invasive Facelift

With the non-invasive facelift treatment, take 10 - 15 years off your face in only two weeks! UltraSlim® significantly improves your skin and neckline. Maintain your youthful appearance with monthly touch-ups.

Safest Technology

UltraSlim® is safer than any other body contouring technology. UltraSlim® Professional is the only body contouring device that is Risk Group 1, the same risk group as a tongue depressor. All other body contouring devices risk serious side effects and adverse outcomes such as pain, bruising, and swelling. With our dedication to safety, there is no pain, no discomfort, and no side effects. Ask your doctor if you qualify for UltraSlim®.

UltraSlim® Treatment - Non-Invasive Facelift